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Mathematical inequalities. Vol.I, Vol.II, Vol.III, Vol.IV, Vol.V

Mathematical inequalities. Vol.I, Vol.II, Vol.III, Vol.IV, Vol.V

(1 vote(s))

Autor(i): Vasile Cîrtoaje
Preţ: RON 30.00
An apariţie: 2015
Număr pagini: 344
ISBN: ISBN 978-973-719-620-0

Pe stoc: da

The book MATHEMATICAL INEQUALITIES (5 volumes, over 2400 pages) introduces and develops the main types of elementary inequalities. The first three volumes are a great opportunity to look into many old and new inequalities, as well as elementary procedures for solving them:

Volume 1 - Symmetric Polynomial Inequalities

Volume 2 - Symmetric Rational and Nonrational Inequalities

Volume 3 - Cyclic and Noncyclic Inequalities. As a rule, the inequalities in these volumes are increasingly ordered according to the number of variables: two, three, four etc. The last two volumes

Volume 4 – Extensions and Refinements of Jensen’s Inequality

Volume 5 – Other Recent Methods for Creating and Solving Inequalities) present beautiful and original methods for solving inequalities, such as Half/Partial convex function method, Equal variables method, Arithmetic compensation method, Highest coefficient cancellation method, pqr method etc. The book is intended for a wide audience: advanced middle school students, high school students, college and university students, and teachers. Many problems and methods can be used as group projects for advanced high school students.

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